Catholic Climate Covenant and the Association of U. S. Catholic Priests invite you to a free, virtual 2-part workshop series on how to launch the Vatican’s LAUDATO SI’ ACTION PLATFORM in your diocese, parish, school, ministry, or organization. Week Two: September 18th, 3:30-5PM Pacific Welcome: Fr. Emmet Farrell Opening Prayer: Sr. Kathleen Warren, OSF, Director...
Clergy are invited to an informational session to learn about celebrating St. Phoebe Day in your parish or community this September Learn about the goals and objectives of St. Phoebe Day, hear from other members of the clergy who welcomed celebrations in their communities last year, and get your questions answered.
Our Ignatian Directed Retreat will be privileged time for you to deepen your relationship with God. You will be assigned a trained spiritual director with whom you will meet briefly each day to discern the movements of God in your life as revealed through your prayer. The “direction” of directed retreats is that of discovering...