Mutual SupportNews
Submitted by: Mutual Support Working Group

At this time we are inviting any AUSCP member or any priest to assist us in generating stories of priests who are living in or have lived through an obstruction of justice following an accusation whether credible or non-credible. These UNTOLD STORIES need to be told so that the grim realities that some good priests experience can be seen and known by church authorities. A problem cannot be solved if it is not known and understood. The isolation of priests during unsupported and often protracted investigations needs to be brought into daylight. It is hoped that our efforts will bring about improvements in legal and pastoral protocols.

We are confident that sound and better protocols can be developed and followed which will help:

  • those currently living with the effects of such injustice
  • the priest who was falsely accused and censured today
  • the priest, having been investigated and cleared of all charges
  • the priest who will be laicized by a bishop.
  • and for the innocent priest who will be disgracefully paraded in the newspapers, sidelined by the bishops, and isolated by his diocese.


We really need to help with this from the grassroots of priests’ lives! Please spread the word about this and contact for further information these members of the AUSCP Mutual Support Working Group:

· Kevin Clinton 952-758-4225

· Jim Musumeci 917-612-2298 · AUSCP-UntoldStories@gmail.com

Please help spread this request to any priest, or religious, or layperson, who feel they have been harmed by such injustice. We in turn promise to continue to work in support of all priests and justice for all in the church.

The ‘Guidelines for Submissions’ will be published in our next e-newsletter.

Here is Part One in this series:

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