Care for Creation

We have compiled resources for Catholics and climate change, including news, spiritual guidance, and ways to take action and care for our common home. As Catholics, we must learn about the climate crisis caused by climate change and its effect on other intersectional issues we all face.

The COVID-19 pandemic is brutal proof of a truth asserted by Pope Francis: Everything is connected. Politics, the economy, health care — and our faith in a loving God — these concerns are all one. Care for the earth, our common home, is more than a political reality — although it is most certainly. Care for our common home is more than an economic reality, but again, it is that most certainly. For Catholics thinking about climate change, care for the Earth, our Common Home, is a spiritual matter. There is no simple health crisis, no single environmental problem, no problematic financial struggle, no simple political process. Everything is connected — and here on the entries and pages to follow are the hopes and dreams of the AUSCP in the spiritual realm, the political realm, the fiscally responsible realm — simply summarized in a few words: Care for our Common Home.

Page Contents:

On the Climate Crisis

Climate Change as an Intersectional Issue

Catholic Climate Change Resources From the AUSCP

Latinx Climate Change Resources
