AUSCP Response to Rev. Seitz, USCCB

AUSCP NewsFebruary 5ImmigrationNews Releases
Submitted by: Immigration Working Group

Most Rev. Mark Seitz, 

The Association of United States Catholic Priests (AUSCP) commends the USCCB Migration Committee for your recent condemnations of the oppression and violence against the population of immigrants and refugees in our country.  Your words have animated many to work to preserve the rights of these groups and help them find the life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness protected by our Constitution.

We ask you to declare to the government administration that our parish worship places must be respected and advise them that we will not condone or permit entry to areas of public worship for non-emergency immigration enforcement. These are places where people receive essential services, and any violation of that space would be contrary to the common good and would violate the religious rights of those inside.

Please let us know how we can continue to support your efforts to be of service to the ‘strangers among us’ and their families.

With special prayers for immigrants and refugees,

Stephen P. Newton, CSC
AUSCP Executive Director

(Letter composed by the AUSCP Immigration Working Group)

cc. Most Rev. Timothy Broglio, President of USCCB

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