What is truth?
This week, we’re tackling some big questions. First, what is truth?
Writer Clint Smith says the lie about the Civil War lives on: “history isn’t the story of what actually happened; it is just the story [some Americans] want to believe.” This week we also seek the truth in what people believe about Communion rules, Trump’s legacy, church and gender news, state killing of an admitted killer, death decided on the battlefield by artificial intelligence and finally, seeking the truth about Judas Iscariot.
In his Atlantic cover story, Clint Smith says, “I was moved by the people who have committed their lives to telling the story of slavery in all its fullness and humanity. And I was struck by the many people I met who believe a version of history that rests on well-documented falsehoods.”
What is the truth about the Trump legacy? The Pew Research Center finds a deep, partisan division.
Who is telling the truth? Pew research finds that even partisans agree on who are part of the mainstream media.
What truth underlies an effort to ban Biden from Communion? Michael Sean Winters (one of our assembly keynoters in June) reports on a Vatican letter to U.S. bishops.
LGBTQ+ News and Social Issues
We write next on another topic sensitive in Catholic circles is the attitude toward the LGBTQ+ community. We have several articles. President Biden reverses an action of the previous administration regarding health care for transgender people.
An openly transgender bishop is ordained in a U.S. Lutheran Church. NPR has the story about Megan Rohrer.
Some German Catholic Priests are blessing gay couples in defiance of the Vatican. It is a nationwide initiative called #liebegewinnt (love wins). They say the Church cannot say “no” when love and fidelity are involved.
17 psychological groups call for greater protections of LGBTQ students at religious schools:
The statement comes in response to a class-action lawsuit on behalf of 33 students or former students of federally funded Christian colleges and universities that allege widespread discrimination against LGBTQ students.
Read the full article according to Religion News Service.
Has the Catholic Church spoken the truth about sexual abuse and cover-up? ‘Vos Estis’ expires in one year. National Catholic Reporter examines what works and what changes are needed.
The two largest churches in the Southern Baptist Convention featured women preachers on Mother’s Day, despite the convention’s ban on women pastors. Religion News Service tells the story.
Finally, an opinion on unity. Aretha Franklin said it: What’s needed is R-E-S-P-E-C-T. The Christian Science Monitor has begun a series on respect, highlighting stories of how relationships can function – even thrive – despite fundamental disagreements.
Other News From the Week
In other news, the Wall Street Journal says Catholic schools are losing students at a record rates. The New York Times reports on a convicted murderer who has been forgiven by the family of the victim, but not by the State of Texas. And perhaps the scariest scenario in future warcraft; WIRED reports that the decision to kill could be removed from human moral decision making and left to Artificial Intelligence.
Whew. A dense paragraph, but full of good takes on a diverse range of subjects.
AUSCP Quick Picks
READ – As promised, an article from some years ago, by James Martin: Why did Judas do it?
WATCH – Whether you are a member of the AUSCP or a casual viewer of our website, here is a personal reflection on how and why one of our members got involved.
And as a reminder, you can watch keynote presentations from all of our past assemblies on our Past Assembly Videos page.
We hope you have enjoyed this roundup of recent news about faith, politics, and culture. We will return next week with another edition of Wisdom Wednesday.
Until next week, please follow us on social media with the buttons below to make sure you don’t miss the latest news from the AUSCP!