Catholic Social Teaching asserts the sacredness of every human being. God gives life. We must respect life – all of life, conception to grave, even after. Life is about much more than conception and birth. ‘Pro-life’ means to many opposition to abortion and euthanasia. Politicians play on that narrow focus. Being fully “Pro-life” requires other “pro” stances:
- pro-health care of the born and all the living
- pro-family
- pro-living wages
- pro-decent housing for all
- pro-peace
- pro-poor
- pro-equal justice
- pro-care for creation
- pro- quality education for all
- pro-childcare when parents have to work
- pro-employment
- pro-migrants
- pro-refugees
- pro-environment
- pro-gun safety
- pro-responsible driving
- pro-life without parole vs. execution
- pro-encouraging/enabling the struggling and marginalized
- pro-the whole human race which God creates and loves.
Forming our consciences requires attention to all dimensions of “pro-life”. God calls us to work for the common good rather than just my good and my better life.
Voting is a civic responsibility and a moral act. As we prepare to vote, we are called to awaken our conscience to what pro-life means. Then we can bring our conscience to weigh in faithfully on our voting decisions.
— Father Bob Bonnot