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Pope Francis Sends Letter to U.S. Bishops

A letter from Pope Francis (letter to U.S. bishops), was read to the 280 bishops who attended a retreat January 2-8 at Mundelein. The eight-page letter said, in part: “God’s faithful people and the Church’s mission continue to suffer greatly as a result of abuses of power and conscience and sexual abuse, and…

Pope’s 2019 World Day of Peace Message

In the first paragraph of Pope Francis’ Peace Message for January 1, 2019, he states: Offering peace is at the heart of the mission of the disciples of Christ. And this offer is addressed to all those men and women who hope for peace amid the tragedies and violence of human history. The…

USCCB November Assembly and Presentations Against Racism

The USCCB November Assembly did not produce the much anticipated response to the sexual abuse crisis. However, there are links below to significant presentations and to the document on Racism that resulted from this meeting: Sr. Teresa Maya (Past President of LCWR & Sister of Charity of the Incarnate Word)…

AUSCP New Endeavor: Assembly to Action and Eradicating Racism

Last week a special bulletin was sent out on the topic of “Eradicating Racism,” authored by Leadership Chair Bob Bonnot. This represents a new endeavor by AUSCP called “Assembly to Action” to inform, inspire, and invite action on issues that have been determined priorities by the AUSCP Assembly. Too often, great goals and resolutions are approved at…