AUSCP Letter to Mr. Michael Hichborn

AUSCP NewsNews Releases

The following letter was sent to Michael Hichborn of the Lepanto Institute at the request of the AUSCP Core Team. It is in response to Lepanto once again labeling AUSCP a heretical organization on its website:

For immediate release | Download the full letter

Mr. Michael Hichborn
Lepanto Institute
PO Box 269
Partlow, VA 22534

Dear Mr. Hichborn:

The Association of US Catholic Priests is an organization in good standing with the Catholic Church and has the support and membership of several bishops.  We do not know if the same is true of the Lepanto Institute.

In the spirit of the eighth commandment, we are asking that you personally and the Lepanto Institute immediately cease continued slander and defamation aimed at the AUSCP and individual members. You have labeled us a heretical organization, which is the prerogative of the Vatican, not yourself. You have asserted that we have officially taken stances, such as officially endorsing the ordination of women to the priesthood, which we have not. Your references to us are both inaccurate and inflammatory.

You claim to have investigated us.  If you have, it has been secretively and without any transparency.  I am certainly open to having a civil discussion with you, should you so desire. In the meantime, please refrain from contacting all vendors, exhibitors, and other entities connected with the AUSCP especially with communication containing false statements and subtle intimidation.

Finally, please advise your members and followers to cease and desist from all forms of interference, both legal and illegal, in the conducting of the business of the AUSCP and from the harassment of any individual connected with the AUSCP.

This letter intends to serve until we receive further instruction from our attorney.

Very sincerely yours,
(Rev.) Stephen P. Newton, CSC
Executive Director

C:  AUSCP Membership
Caitlin Podbielski, PC, Attorney-at-Law

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