Webinar Series: The Pathway to Ecological Citizenship and Spirituality

AUSCP NewsCatholics and Climate Change
Submitted by: Climate Crisis Working Group

Thank you for joining us for our Season of Creation Zoom Series, The Pathway to Eco-Citizenship & Spirituality.  Our speakers were amazing, and we very much appreciate your engaging questions and attendance.  We had 137 live zoom attendees on the first week and 110 the second week.  In addition, we had ~100 in-person attendees at Notre Dame on September 18th.  Over 650 registered, overall!

Watch the Webinars

Continue to Take Action

The electronic folder of resources created to support our series can be found here.  All persons with the link may view the materials. If you want to make any changes to the materials, you will need to download them to your own device first. Please credit the source when possible.

Remember, you can watch the Vatican’s film, The Letter, for free on YouTube or hold a screening, theletterfilm.org/screenings/, as a helpful overview of this important area of living our faith.  Don’t forget to visit the Laudato Si’ Action Platform to see how you might begin to take action, www.laudatosiactionplatform.org.

Finally, we encourage you to engage with the Catholic Climate Covenanthttps://catholicclimatecovenant.org/, our domestic organization affiliated with the USCCB and the Laudato Si’ Movementhttps://laudatosimovement.org/, the international Catholic organization affiliated with the Vatican’s Dicastery for Integral Human Development.

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