What Happened at the Synod? The Call to Dialogue on Co-Responsibility and Women’s Participation in our Church

WebinarsWomen & The Church
Submitted by: Women in the Church Working Group

Thank You For Viewing!

Your input matters. We are writing a synodal report based on your reflections post watching to the General Secretary in Rome and the US Bishop’s Synod office.

After you watch, please take time to answer the question “Considering what you heard, what is resonating with you and why?” Please share your thoughts with us by adding your comment under the video or emailing office@auscp.org

This webinar drew 425 registrants. We are so sorry that the call capacity was unexpectedly capped at 100. Because of your enthusiasm for this dialogue, the Association of US Catholic Priests (AUSCP) expanded our Zoom capacity to 500 for this call. In spite of receiving confirmation that this was in effect from Zoom, we experienced a 100 person limit. We are working with Zoom to understand how to rectify this error for future calls. AUSCP wants to acknowledge your frustration with the technology challenges experienced yesterday; we are also pained by the inadvertent exclusion of people from this beautiful synodal dialogue.

Thank you so much for your commitment to synodal becoming.


Your Co-hosts
Dr. Sarah Probst Miller and Fr Michael Hickin and the AUSCP Working Group Women in the Church

Opportunities to Engage in 2024

AUSCP has heard your longing for more conversations like this. We look forward to more synodal dialogue at our annual assembly and through more online opportunities like we just experienced.

AUSCP Involvement

How to Become a Synodal Parish

Discerning Deacons

In February, Discerning Deacons will roll out its roadmap for faithful action during the Lent and Easter seasons. Join the zoom gathering on Tuesday, February 13 at 1 pm ET / 10 am PT. Register here today.

Read the Discerning Deacon’s Participant Guide for the USCCB Interim Stage: Click here.

March All Call Training: Discerning Deacons will offer an extensive training for clergy and women in ministry to equip yourself and your local team for this year’s Synod discernment about women’s access to the permanent diaconate. Two dates to choose from – March 10 or March 18. Register here.

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