Formation and Ministry of Bishops and Priests
Having refreshed our grasp of Vatican II‘s Gaudium et Spes Constitution and its Decree on the Laity during last Spring’s Leavening Humankind in Today’s World series, this third series will present and discuss in six sessions three Vatican II decrees regarding clergy: (1) Priestly Formation, (2) Priestly Ministry and Life of Priests, and (3) Bishops Pastoral Office [Optatum Totius, Presbyterorum Ordinis, and Christus Dominus]. Led by theologian Dr. Joe Torma and moderated by Bob Bonnot, these webinars will present the core stances of Vatican II together with dialogue about where today’s clergy is now and how Pope Francis is calling clergy to grow. Much has developed regarding clericalism over the last 50 years. Change continues.
Each of these three pertinent Vatican II decrees will have two Wednesday sessions, starting on September 7 and running through October 12 (7,14,21,28; 5,12) at 4pm ET. Our formal presentations will be one hour followed with as much discussion as desired.
Session 1
Priest Seminary Formation, Pt 1.
Recorded on September 7, 2022.
Session 2
Priest Seminary Formation, Pt 2.
Recorded on September 14, 2022.
Session 3
Priest Life & Ministry, Pt 1.
Recorded on September 21, 2022.
Session 4
Priest Life & Ministry, Pt 2.
Recorded on September 28, 2022.
Session 5
The Role of Bishops
Recorded on October 5, 2022.
Session 6
Open Mic Dialogue
Recorded on October 12, 2022.
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