AUSCP Leadership Team Update


One of the members of the AUSCP Leadership Team is completing his second term and will leave the Leadership Team after the June Assembly. We are most grateful to Fr. Tulio Ramirez, a member of the Yarumal Missionaries, for his six years of service. Fr. Tulio, a native of Colombia, has been stationed in the Bronx for many years.

Another LT member, Fr. Ray Cole, Diocese of Metuchen, has found it necessary to resign for health reasons. Fr. Ray has been serving on the LT since 2019.

There are four positions on the LT that are open for election at the June Assembly. We are still accepting applications for these positions. Please consider using your gifts at the service of AUSCP by serving on the Leadership Team, or encourage another AUSCP member to apply. Nominees must be present at the Assembly. 

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