Justice Bulletin Board

BlogMarch 12
Submitted by: Barbara Molinari Quinby

It was on that occasion that the Lord made a covenant with Abram.—Genesis 15: 18

Editor’s note: Some suggestions below refer to a specific parish, others are universal. You are invited to search out what may be available at your parish, or to consider starting a similar ministry.)

A covenant is very different than a contract. The term “contract” refers to an agreement over the exchange of goods and services while the term “covenant” is an exchange between persons. In ancient Israel, covenants created familial bonds between two parties and often stipulated mutual privileges and responsibilities. Imagine Abram’s surprise when God bears all the responsibility in the unconditional promises God makes to Abram. Abram doesn’t have to do anything except be himself. And who is Abram? He is a person of righteousness who puts all his faith in God.

As Catholic Christians, we are people of the New Covenant mediated by Jesus (Hebrews 9:15). We have been given many privileges by our covenantal relationship as sons and daughters of God and it is up to us to act and live so as to honor the Giver of these gifts. How can we do this? The Works of Mercy are good answers, as we can share the gift of love that has been given so unconditionally to us. This 2nd Sunday of Lent, our outreach ministries that feed the hungry are featured in the narthex of the Cathedral and helping in these ministries is a great way to honor God who is present to us as the living bread from Heaven, the Eucharist.

Help our oldest meals ministry, Helen Wright Women’s Shelter, by being part of a team to supply and serve dinner once a month. Coordinators: Ann Petro (even months) and Amy Klabon (odd Months)

Participate by contributing to the Catholic Parish Outreach Spring Food Collection. We are handing out grocery bags this weekend for collection next weekend. Coordinator: Susan Borghoff.

Join the early dinner teams at Oak City Cares Center on the 2nd and 3rd Saturdays of every month. Coordinators: Kathleen Privette and Ed Pollard (2nd Sat.) and Elizabeth White (3 rd Sat,)

Assist with lunches at the Women’s Center, a day shelter for homeless women. Coordinator: Leni Crook.

Hunger prevails throughout the world. Consider forming a team to participate in the Crop Hunger Walk in October, Coordinator: Mary Catherine Hinds

Aid in quenching thirst—Share the Blessings helps build clean water wells in Uganda as well as drawing from the well of knowledge by helping schools there. Coordinator: Kevin Green

Live a covenantal Christian life. 

Mercy works.

Barbara Molinari Quinby, MPS, Director, Office of Human Life, Dignity, and Justice Ministries, Holy, Name of Jesus Cathedral Raleigh, NC

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