Congolese bishops promoting more Eucharistic adoration and Mass in the “Zairean Rite”June 28, 2023Outside Source
William Barber departs pulpit of Greenleaf Church with an ode to the power of disabilityJune 28, 2023Outside Source
Unitarian Universalists elect first woman of color, openly queer presidentJune 28, 2023Outside Source
If this Delaware senator wins a US House seat, she’ll be the 1st trans member of CongressJune 28, 2023Outside Source
Black nun who founded first African American religious congregation advances closer to sainthoodJune 28, 2023Outside Source
Benedict XVI’s long-time aide, Archbishop Gänswein, relieved of Vatican duties, sent back to GermanyJune 28, 2023Outside Source
For church worship teams, Auto-Tune covers a multitude of sins. Especially online.June 28, 2023Outside Source
This just in: Catholic churches have the worst preaching and music in the USJune 28, 2023Outside Source