Conversations on the Council

This is a three-part series titled Conversations on the Council, sponsored by the AUSCP Vatican II Working Group. These conversations will focus on each of three issues drawn from the documents of Vatican II: People of God, Church in the Present World, and Religious Liberty. We see these three issues as relevant to the Church and society at this time.

Each session begins with prayer and a short statement on the topic by a member of the working group. Then we invite a free-flowing conversation on what participants consider values to be drawn from the topic and how we can promote these values in the present Church and society. Please plan to join and invite others.

Session 1

People of God

Recorded on January 31, 2022

Session 2

Church in the Present World*

Recorded on February 21, 2022.

*This conversation on Vatican II’s Pastoral Constitution of the Church in Today’s World, Gaudium et Spes, will focus on the Mission of the Church. Bob Bonnot will offer a brief presentation regarding what is expressed in the first part of that closing document. He will then open the door for attendees to share their own comments.

Session 3

Religious Liberty

Recorded on March 14, 2022.

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