Vatican II Conversation — January 31
“People of God.”
Register HERE.
Mondays, January 31, February 21, March 14 at 4 PM EST/3 PM CT – Conversations on the Council, sponsored by the AUSCP Vatican II Working Group. These conversations will focus on each of three issues drawn from the documents of Vatican II. We see these three issues as relevant to the Church and society at this time, namely: “People of God,” “Church in the present world” and “Religious Liberty.”
- *January 31, 4-5:30 EST/3-4:30 PM CT – “People of God.”
- February 21, 4-5:30 EST/3-4:30 PM CT – “Church in the present world”
- March 14, 4-5:30 EST/3-4:30 PM CT – “Religious Liberty”.
Each session will begin with prayer and a short statement on the topic by a member of the working group. Then we will invite a free-flowing conversation on what participants consider values to be drawn from the topic and how we can promote these values in the present Church and society. Please plan to join and invite others.
*The first of three Zoom-based conversations of the Vatican II working group promoting the value of the principles and practices of Vatican II in the present Church and society will take place January 31 from 3 to 4:30 CST. Louis Arceneaux, CM, the co-leader of the group, will offer a brief presentation on the image of “People of God” from the Dogmatic Constitution on the Church of Vatican II. Then he will invite participants to carry on a conversation, responding to these questions: “How do you think the image of People of God from the Vatican II Constitution helps us address issues of synodality, clericalism, racism, ecumenism? What about other issues drawn from People of God?”
You can register for this webinar by clicking HERE.
2021 Assembly Report
We are compiling a report on our 2021 Annual Assembly: Where Do We Go From Here. There’s more to come, including keynote speaker addresses, photo highlights, and updates based on our discussion at the Assembly.
A key takeaway from our Assembly: AUSCP is devoted to keeping Vatican II alive in our minds, our hearts, our decisions, and our actions. AUSCP’s top priority is living Vatican II’s vision and values.
Our Keynote Speakers
Mr. Michael Sean Winters
The Politico-Theological Merger that is Shaping the U.S. Catholic Church
Bishop William A. Wack, CSC
Pastoral Directions for our U.S. Church Going Forward