2020 Assembly Report

The videos and information are building!  Keynotes are here from our 2020 Assembly: Our Catholic Faith in the Political World. There’s more to come, including an election report and the reports given by Working Groups to the assembly. Come on back to check it out!

With the approval of Michael Joncas, who has written the lyrics of “A Place Called Home” using the tune of Finlandia, the AUSCP has adopted the song as a theme. It expresses the hope that all humans will find “a place called home.” The song, with video, was used during the 2020 virtual assembly to highlight images of assemblies in previous years, when members and friends were physically precent. 

Our Keynote Speakers

John Carr, Founder & Director of the Initiative on Catholic Social Thought and Public Life

John Carr is the longtime director of the U.S. bishops’ domestic and international policy programs, retired in 2012 from the USCCB policy office. He gave a keynote address to the AUSCP 2020 virtual assembly.

Archbishop John Wester of Santa Fe

Sister Simone Campbell, SSJ, introduces Archbishop Wester, BCCB episcopal moderator of the AUSCP. The full title of his keynote address to the 2020 virtual assembly is Priest, Pulpit and Politics: Proclaiming the Gospel in Today’s Society.

Our Assembly Retreat Leader: Sister Carol Zinn

Working Group Reports
