Women and Priests — Conversations in the Spirit 

Women & The Church

Interactive webinar series hosted by Women in the Church Working Group for the AUSCP

Should she stay or should she go now?
How could the Church walk more closely with young women?

Join us Wednesday, September 18th, 2024 at 1 PM EST for an interactive webinar dedicated to St. Phoebe and hosted by the Women in the Church Working Group of the Association of U.S. Catholic Priests (AUSCP). This is the first of 3 upcoming Conversations in the Spirit between priests and women.  

Women, bring your clergy! Clergy, bring women from your parish or ministry. This webinar in particular seeks input from young women, educators, mothers, and priests and others concerned about retaining the vibrant presence of young women in our Catholic Church. 

Julia Oşeka, our keynote speaker, is a Polish native and young adult Synod delegate, chosen as one of ten non-bishop voting members from the United States and Canada. She will be at the upcoming Synod on Synodality in October. She is glad to be participating and listening on this call before she begins her travels. AUSCP priest, Father Tony Davis will also give testimony, as will a young adult traveling with 100 other college students around the country to Rome in October. A small group synodal discussion will be facilitated.

Your input on this important subject matters! Following our webinar we will draft and submit to the USCCB Synod office and to the General Secretariat in Rome a summary of our Conversation in the Spirit.

Registration link:  https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYkcOygrTwvH9EbK-ViVi6iaKGmuWjegY-j

We need volunteers to be facilitators for synodal Conversations in the Spirit. Indicate your interest when you register. Synodal facilitators will need to go through online training and will be a part of a pre-call briefing on September 16, 2024 from 7-7:45 PM EST.

Dedication: This webinar is dedicated to St. Phoebe. St. Paul commended St. Phoebe to the Church of Rome, asking that she be welcomed and helped in every way (Rm 16:1-2).  Did this question weigh on her heart: Stay? Go? We are not told the end of the story but we assume this benefactor, this woman of means, this woman St. Paul called deacon, answered the call and went and, according to tradition, delivered Paul’s epistle to the Romans. Let’s explore this question . . . what does our staying and going mean today  . . . for today’s St. Phoebes, in particular, for our young women? 

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