Women and Priests — Conversations in the Spirit 

Women & The Church

Interactive webinar series hosted by Women in the Church Working Group for the AUSCP

AUSCP Called to Serve: Catholic Women’s Stories of Opportunities and Obstacles

Join us Wednesday, November 20th, 2024, at 3 PM EST at our next Conversation in the Spirit hosted by Women in the Church Working Group for the Association of US Catholic Priests (AUSCP), Called to Serve: Catholic Women’s Stories of Opportunities and Obstacles. This interactive webinar and Conversation in the Spirit is dedicated to the Woman at the Well, Photini. 

Women, bring your clergy! Clergy, bring women from your parish or ministry. This webinar seeks to inspire conversation around the callings women have. A report will be submitted to the General Secretariat of the Synod in Rome, Synod on Synodality Study Group 5, and the USCCB Synod office.

Our speakers are Jessica Morel, Military Chaplain, Katie Jansen, Parish Life Coordinator, and Kelly Adamson, Benedictine Oblate and preacher.

Registration link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcufuihrjorG90sxQwkw9CNnhZ-U80Odrya#/registration

We need volunteers to be facilitators for synodal Conversations in the Spirit. Indicate your interest when you register. Synodal facilitators will need to go through online training and will be a part of a pre-call briefing. 

You are also invited to become a friend or member of AUSCP. Join today! If you want to donate to help defray costs of these Conversations in the Spirit, donate to our Annual Appeal

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