Conflict. It’s the word that comes to mind this week. It’s deadly in the Mideast and in Myanmar. It is deep-seated in the argument about abortion, and obvious in our Church divided over Communion. But away from the headlines, we offer a story about the bishops of England and Wales who are trying to change words used at Mass, such as something other than “he” when they mean “he or she.” And Massimo Faggioli has some thoughts about how bishops have made the transition “from Princes to managers.” We also have a link to an AUSCP working group on Gospel Non-Violence, offering opportunities for taking action.
But first, we offer a story about the deeply interior conflict in a man who discovered that his father was a Catholic priest in Ireland, and how he now believes the Catholic church should allow all priests to marry.
Current Events
In a newsletter this week, the New York Times lays out both sides in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
President Joe Biden supports a cease-fire, but the Associated Press reports he stopped short of demanding one.
At the Vatican, Pope Francis prays that Catholics in Myanmar will keep the faith in the midst of the violence.
You have no likely seen and heard conflicting views about why available jobs are begging for employees in the United States, and whether it is because workers can receive more money for not working. Commentator Michael Sean Winters says there are moral issues beyond the concerns about the economy.
Gospel Non-Violence Activism
As conflicts rage, AUSCP member John Heagle points out that it has been more than a year since the AUSCP passed the “Artisans of Peace” resolution. The Gospel Non-Violent Working Group has assembled a list of opportunities for action.
A few of our favorite recommendations include:
- Sign the petition urging PNC Bank to ‘Stop Banking the Bomb’. More than 600 people and institutions have signed this petition, including AUSCP as an organization, but we also need more individual members and their friends to take action as well:
- Join Pax Christi USA ( and join a local chapter in your city or state or consider starting a Pax Christi chapter in your area.
- Read Advancing Nonviolence and Just Peace in the Church and the World, Rose Marie Berger, Ken Butigan, Judy Coode and Marie Dennis, eds). This book is the outcome of the 2016 Vatican International Conference on nonviolence and Just Peace, as well as the ongoing task of peacemaking that confronts all of us.
We hope you’ll explore the full list from John Heagle, available HERE.
The Supreme Court and Roe vs. Wade
The Supreme Court will hear a major abortion case challenging Roe vs. Wade. We have a roundup of coverage from major news sources and editorial writers.
A decision may not come down for a year, until June of 2022, but the Los Angeles Times reports it will be a moment that is nearly 50 years in the making. CNN adds a report on the role of the previous administration in the matter. America magazine reports on the Vatican’s role in how the U.S bishops respond to the abortion supporting views of the Biden administration. Finally, NCR publishes an opinion piece from Tim Kaine, who offers a Catholic senator’s views on Biden and the bishops.
More Church News and Opinions
Here’s another opportunity to step away from the headlines for some analysis of the Catholic episcopate by Massimo Faggioli in Commonweal: how bishops are making the transition “From Princes to Managers.”
The Catholic bishops of England and Wales, who are working to change the words of Scripture from exclusive to inclusive, are being criticized for not bringing in other voices, according to The Tablet.
If you’d like to take some time to reflect on the prophetic pontificate of Pope Francis, the Union of Catholic Asian News has an offer that may appeal to you. For a donation, UCA will send you a 184-page e-book of 14 narrative essays summarizing the key features of Francis’ papacy.
We’ll conclude this week with some good news on the Climate front. John Kerry met with Pope Francis and sees another significant role for the pope on the international scene.
The world stage for the home-sized platform, National Catholic Reporter offers a feature series on “Small Earth Stories.” They might reflect on the moment when a reader began eating differently, heating or cooling their home more carefully, traveling with a smaller carbon footprint. Maybe it’s the story of that difficult climate conversation at the family cookout. In 150 words or less, readers share specific ways they’re responding to climate change in day-to-day life.
AUSCP Quick Picks
READ – A feature on Father Michael Bausch, one of the members of our leadership team. Read “Passion for outreach fuels Rochester-area priest’s ministry.”
WATCH – A short video from Father Neil Pezzulo on why he is involved in the Association.
WATCH – This week’s recap presentation summarizing the 2017 AUSCP Assembly in Atlanta.
And as a reminder, you can watch keynote presentations from all of our past assemblies on our Past Assembly Videos page.
We hope you have enjoyed this roundup of recent news about faith, politics, and culture. We will return next week with another edition of Wisdom Wednesday.
Until next week, please follow us on social media with the buttons below to make sure you don’t miss the latest news from the AUSCP!