Season of Creation from September 1st – October 4th


Here are the Top Ten Takeaways from Laudato Si” as summarized by Jesuit James Martin of America Magazine:

  • The spiritual perspective is now part of the discussion on the environment.
  • The poor are disproportionately affected by climate change.
  • Less is more.
  • Catholic social teaching now includes teaching on the environment.
  • Discussions about ecology can be grounded in the Bible and church tradition.
  • Everything is connected — including the economy.
  • Scientific research on the environment is to be praised and used.
  • Widespread indifference and selfishness worsen environmental problems.
  • Global dialogue and solidarity are needed.
  • A change of heart is required.

An Assembly to Action (A2A) newsletter has been prepared by the Climate Change Working Group on “Eating Choices & Climate Change.” It will be sent electronically this week. This could be used in parishes as a bulletin insert.

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