Reflection on Assembly 2023

2023 AssemblyAUSCP NewsBlog
Submitted by: AUSCP

Greg Barras, chair of the Leadership Team, reflects on the experience of the Assembly in San Diego.

The 12th Annual AUSCP Assembly took place June 12-15, 2023, at the beautiful campus of the University of San Diego. The Assembly theme was Unity through Synodality.)

“Enlarge your tent” is a remarkable take from our Assembly where we were engaged with our sisters and brothers dissecting “Unity in Synodality”.

We continue to build and to grow from the spirit of our forefathers who discerned the spiritual core of AUSCP rests in the Spirit of Vatican II that is calling us to conversion everyday and inspiring us to “enlarge our tent”.

This affirms the continual openness of AUSCP, through the last 12 years, to enter our uncomfortable zones and think, pray, act outside the box. The issues we address are consistently hearing and responding to the “cry of the poor”. We listen to those who do not find acceptance and a place at the table.  

Like Pope Francis, and his reigniting the synodal method of governance centered in listening, discerning, attentive to the Holy Spirit and acting, AUSCP ventures into necessary trouble with courage, fortitude, and hope.

We invite you to share your reflections on how and what inspires you to “enlarge your tent”, absorbing the compelling call to relate to the People of God through listening, praying, acting.

This year’s Assembly heard bold, truthful, challenging presentations by Faggioli, Flanagan, and Gonzalez-Andrieu that drew us into our awkwardness with the facts and courage to process and act in faith.

Strategic Planning parallels synodality in many ways. Contemplative prayer as preparation. Opening our hearts/souls to attentively listen. Sharing our thoughts.  Continuing to be open and listen. And, through discernment, acting.

We are grateful to our members and friends who enlarge our tent and enable AUSCP to be at the forefront of implementing our Holy Father’s gospel message, ever learning, ever growing into the Mystical Body of Christ.

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