New Book from Fr. Jim Bacik

AUSCP NewsJim Bacik

Dear Friends and Readers,

My latest book, The Catholic Spiritual Journey: Responding to Today’s Challenges (183 pages, Paulist Press paperback $21.95) is now available. It includes many meditations that could be used for spiritual reading during Lent. Some persons are giving copies to their children or grandchildren as a way of reminding them of important elements of the Catholic tradition.     

It is available on Amazon and can be ordered from Paulist Press by calling 1-800-218-1903, Monday-Thursday 9 to 4:30 ET or from Reger’s Church Supplies at 4100 Secor Rd. in Toledo. Call them at 419-474-4740. They are open Tuesday-Friday 9:30 to 5:00, Sat. 9:30 to 3:00.

I hope this is another way of staying in touch,

– Fr. Jim Bacik

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