AUSCP E-Bulletin

Feast of the Ascension

May 12, 2024

And behold, I am with you always, until the end of the age.

(Matthew 28:20))

Can’t be at the assembly? Yes, you can!!

Hello, Members and Friends. We are six weeks away from the assembly, and I know some of our Friends and members cannot attend for various reasons. But you can still have a role. You can fully or partially fund someone who wants to attend but can’t afford all of the registration, lodging, and/or travel costs. We also need help with the media we’ll be using to record the keynote addresses and make them available to you after the assembly. Your participation by deferring some costs will be virtual but remember: Virtual can be virtuous!! Thanks for your consideration,

Steve Newton, CSC, Executive Director

Contributions can be sent to: AUSCP, PO Box 676, Tiffin, OH 44883

OR, Give online at: Donate Now



“Untold Stories That Need to be Told” is our new venture in the Mutual Support Working Group’s concern for justice in the church. The goal of this project is to compile evidentiary documentation to help the church-at-large connect the dots and bring about improvement in canonical and pastoral protocols for bishops and priests. In the future, submitted stories will appear in the Sunday e-newsletter and archived in an online folder accessible to all.


Part I of this article offered an explanation of what this project is about and why we are doing. You can read part one HERE.


This week’s article focuses on the importance of priests’ stories and how you can help and can be found HERE.

Attention – Something New for Newly Ordained!

AUSCP has a gift for all diocesan and religious order priests being ordained this year. Please send the names, contact information, and date of ordination of those from your area to Thanks.

Civilize It: Unifying a Divided Church

This webinar, sponsored by USCCB, is scheduled for Tuesday, May 14, at 3:00 pm Eastern Time. Join Cardinal Robert McElroy, Bishop Robert Barron and Bishop Daniel Flores as they dialogue with one another on the challenge of polarization in the Church


Assembly Sponsors, Vendors, and Exhibitors

AUSCP is grateful to organizations who participate in the Annual Assembly as Sponsors, Vendors, and Exhibitors. Sponsors may choose from a variety of opportunities, such as donating the cost of speakers, audio/visual usage, retreat, meals, socials, registration scholarships, etc. A list is available upon request. Sponsors may have a display table and admission to talks. We also welcome exhibitors and vendors. Contact Fr. Steve Newton ASAP at

Register NOW for the 2024 AUSCP Annual Assembly!

Here is the link to the Assembly Schedule:

Registration is available online, or by check.

Send checks to: AUSCP, PO Box 676, Tiffin, OH 44883

Access Online Assembly Registration Form HERE.

Link for Hyatt Regency Online reservations:

OR, call 800-233-1234; or 859-253-1234 and ask for Code G-ACPX .

Did you renew your AUSCP Membership for 2024?

If you are one of the 399 who have already renewed, thank you! You can ignore this message.

The yearly membership fee is $60 for priest members. We encourage Friends to support our work, but there is no set fee for Friends. We appreciate your membership! Please stay with us by renewing at this link at your earliest convenience, if you have not already renewed for 2024:

In Memoriam

AUSCP member Fr. Michael P. Ahlstrom, (age 82), Archdiocese of Chicago, died Friday, May 3, 2024. Fr. Mike served the Archdiocese of Chicago in a variety of ways, including: pastor of several parishes, associate director of the Office for Divine Worship; instructor and chairman of the board of the Liturgical Institute in Mundelein; instructor in medical ethics at the Little Company of Mary School of Nursing; priest presenter for Engaged Encounter and Marriage Encounter; pastor in residence and liturgy instructor at Mundelein Seminary; board member of Chicago Studies; member of the Annual Catholic Appeal board; and member of Catholic Charities’ Parish Outreach Committee.

In 2004, Fr. Mike began serving as vicar for deacons. He served in that role until 2013 and continued serving as vicar emeritus. Deacon James Norman, current vicar for deacons, said: “It was clear that he valued and loved the diaconate community: deacons, their wives and families. He was always there when needed to celebrate a Mass, lead a prayer, coach and mentor. He left us a legacy of love and support.”

May Fr. Mike rest in God’s eternal love!


Upcoming Webinars

There are two new webinars scheduled for May.

MAY 15, 4PM: Vatican II Decree on Christian Education — Gravissimum Educationis

Hosted by Fr. Bob Bonnot and presented by Dr. Joe Torma


This decree presents convictions of the Vatican II Council, listing 12 specific topics dealing with certain fundamental principles of Christian education. The topics include: The Meaning of the Universal Right to an Education, Christian Education, Parents as the primary and principal Educators, Various Aids, the Importance of Schools, the Duties and Rights of Parents, Moral and Religious Education, Catholic and Different Types of Schools, Catholic Colleges and Universities, Faculties of Sacred Sciences, and Coordination in Scholastic Matters. It is a short, but informative document. “These principles will have to be developed at greater length by a special post-conciliar commission and applied by episcopal conferences to varying local situations.” It was approved by Vatican II on October 28, 1965.

Are we doing better or worse since Vatican II? What do we need to strengthen going forward?

Register HERE.



MAY 22, 4PM: Vatican II Declaration on Religious Freedom — Dignitatis Humanae

Hosted by Fr. Bob Bonnot and presented by Dr. Joe Torma

This Declaration deals with the right of the person and of communities to social and civil freedom in matters religious. “A sense of the dignity of the human person has been impressing itself more and more deeply on the consciousness of contemporary man/people, and the demand is increasingly made that men/people should act on their own judgment, enjoying and making use of a responsible freedom, not driven by coercion, but motivated by a sense of duty.” This document has no titled segments but 15 numbered segments. It concludes: “it is necessary that religious freedom be everywhere provided with an effective constitutional guarantee and that respect be shown for the high duty and right of man freely to lead his religious life in society.”

The conclusion calls us to keep this declaration steadily in our lives. It was approved by the Vatican II Council on December 7, 1965. Have we grown in our religious freedom since 1965?

Register HERE.


Past Webinars

CONSTITUTION ON SACRED LITURGY: Wednesdays, February 21, 28 and March 6, 13, 2024. Hosted by Fr. Bob Bonnot and presented by Dr. Joe Torma

The Videos are online HERE:

Session 1, Session 2, Session 3, Session 4

Your Conscience, Your Vote: Voting as a Discerning Catholic in 2024

As election day draws closer, the AUSCP offers a collection of news, opinions, and resources to help you in discernment:


Other Webinars and Activities that might be of interest:

Latino Leader Gathering for young Catholics:

“Climate Change, Environmental Justice, and Latino Priorities”

Wednesday, May 22,2024, 7:00 – 8:00 pm EDT
Georgetown School of Continuing Studies
640 Massachusetts Ave, NW – Washington, DC 20001
Also livestreamed: RSVP HERE.


Support Our Mission

Your tax-deductible donations support our work collaborating with the laity to promoting a synodal and pastoral vision of Church.

Visit the AUSCP Facebook page and invite your friends to like us:

AUSCP Facebook page

©2023 Association of U.S. Catholic Priests (AUSCP)
