Fr. Louis Arceneaux, C.M.


(Ordained 1966;Congregation of the Mission, Western Province USA) – Secretary

Louie Arceneaux is a member of the Congregation of the Mission, Western Province USA.  He was ordained in 1966. When asked what strengths do you bring to the Leadership Team of the Association of US Catholic priests, he answered: Knowledge of and passion for liturgy of Church; Knowledge and passion for peace and justice in Church and society.

Louie’s priestly experience includes years of teaching liturgy and sacramental theology in seminaries after receiving doctorate in theology from San Anselmo in Rome, as well as being active on liturgical committees in dioceses and working with AUSCP Task force to deal with the present Roman Missal. He is chair of the Peace and Justice Committee for his Vincentian province and a long time member of Pax Christi USA, as well as long time participant in peace demonstrations at the School of America in Fort Benning, Ga.

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