February 16th – Wisdom for the Week

AUSCP NewsRoundup

32 days until Spring!

Wisdom Wednesday is on a relaxed schedule during February, a vacation period for the main contributor to this feature, Paul Leingang. We will have a feature story or two each week, along with suggestions for places on the web to find topical news.

AUSCP Leadership Team member, Tulio Ramirez, recently called attention to news that a member of the AUSCP, Father Bob Flannery, had been elected to the board of trustees for the Parliament of the World’s Religions. News was reported in the Southern Illinoisan, a newspaper in Carbondale, Ill.

When are the feast days and solemnities of other faith traditions? Here is an easy link to a Jesuit resource.

During the reduced schedule of Wisdom Wednesday during February, we offer several suggestions for news of the day.

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