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What we learned from Jason Berry

 REFLECTIONS on May 19, 2019 WEBINAR with Jason Berry                    AUSCP Members and Friends enjoyed a two-hour webinar conversation with author Jason Berry, the first journalist to report on priest abuse back in 1985. He started with a local weekly in Louisiana, on a joint assignment with NCR. In the years…

Clericalism: The Death of Priesthood

AUSCP, Blog, Clericalism
George Wilson, S.J.’s 2008 book addressed the problem of clericalism flagged by Bishop Emile-Josef de Smedt of Bruges, Belgium early on during the Second Vatican Council together with triumphalism and legalism.Clericalism is very much in discussion these days, provoked largely by Pope Francis. In many ways it is his bete…

500 Muslim leaders denounce terrorism

News, Non-Violence
“The Declaration of Islamabad is a step in the right direction. We need to develop it to improve the image of the country: this is the way forward: government and opposition must work together to legislate on good policies, while civil society, religious communities and all citizens must work together…

AUSCP 2019 Leadership Team Nominees

This year we have one member of the Leadership Team (LT) eligible for re-election and three who are completing two terms and thus are not eligible for re-election. Those who are completing two three-year terms are: Bob Bonnot, Kevin Clinton, and Jim Kiesel. Louie Arceneaux, CM (Congregation of the Mission), Secretary for Leadership Team 2016-2019, is completing his first term and is eligible for re-election.…