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Priests’ association plans virtual assembly in 2020

News Releases
March 30, 2020 • For Immediate Release The Association of U.S. Catholic Priests made the announcement in the March 29 e-bulletin: “In the interest of the safety of our members and friends, our planned physically-present 2020 Assembly in Maryland has been cancelled.” Registration fees will be returned. Coronavirus travel restrictions…

Making a Difference – Fight the coronavirus, not each other!

News, Tony Magliano
By Tony Magliano Even now, as the coronavirus (COVID-19) continues to attack humanity, so many human beings continue to fight each other. Challenging this terrible reality, U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres issued a heartfelt appeal for a global ceasefire (see: Inspiringly he said, “Our world faces a common enemy: COVID-19.…

AUSCP Virtual Assembly Planned for June 22-24


Excitement is building for the Virtual AUSCP Assembly that is being planned for June 22-24 online! Plans call for retaining the original speakers. For the convenience of those on the west coast, the sessions will not begin until 1:00 PM Eastern time/10:00 AM Pacific time.

Letter from Rome

The Mass has ended… but the clerical abuse continues Bob Mickens comments that the coronavirus-induced quarantine should force the Church to do some serious soul-searching about the Eucharist

Physical 2020 Assembly Cancelled, Virtual Assembly Planned


In the interest of the safety of our members and friends, our planned physically-present 2020 Assembly in MD has been cancelled. We are working to hold a virtual Assembly using today’s media during the same June 22-25 time-frame, addressing the same theme and with our publicized keynoters.
