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Pope Francis: ‘The crisis of democracy – a wounded heart’

Blog, YCYV

Reflecting on the 50th Italian Catholic Social Week theme “At the Heart of Democracy,” Pope Francis said to the 900 participants, “Let’s be honest – it is evident that democracy is not in good health in today’s world. This concerns and worries us because the well-being of mankind is at stake, and nothing human can be alien to us.”

The Reception of Vatican II: Historical and Theological Perspectives

Blog, YCYV

In the May 8, 2024 New York Times Ross Douthat, a conservative Catholic convert with a large influential audience, published an op-ed entitled “Can Conservative and Liberal Catholics Coexist?” The progressive hope that Pope Francis would revitalize liberal Catholicism in the U.S. has proven illusory.

Where do we go from here?

2024 Assembly, AUSCP

A report from our Executive Director: Through our assemblies, working groups, and webinars, we continue our education, identify areas of concern, and, in many cases, plan actions to further the work of creation.

Immigration: The US Economy

Blog, Immigration

As we ponder the impact of immigration on the U.S. economy, we would do well to recall relevant CST themes. Immigrants are members of God’s family, human persons redeemed by Christ, individuals with inherent dignity worthy of respect.

Wisdom Wednesday | July 17th

Welcome to Wisdom Wednesday, July 17. Shooting survivor Donald Trump and his Republicans gather in Milwaukee. Did God protect Trump? Yes and no opinions offered. Also, Religion News Service notes that Trump’s VP pick is J.D. Vance, “an adult convert to Catholicism and married to a Hindu woman.”
