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Wisdom Wednesday | June 29th

AUSCP News, Roundup

Abortion, guns, prayer at the football field, PRIDE month, copper mining on sacred Apache ground. What a week! Welcome to Wisdom Wednesday, the first week after our assembly in Baltimore. Wisdom Wednesday readers know a lot about the church; this week we offer an interactive question, courtesy of Pew Research, to find out what you know about the world.

AUSCP reacts to Supreme Court Ruling

AUSCP chooses life, not because of law, but based on God’s love It is a momentous decision of the U.S. Supreme Court announced [today]. Yet this day is no different than any other day as we honor as always God’s gift of life from conception to natural death.  It is not the law…

Wisdom Wednesday | June 22nd

Welcome to Wisdom Wednesday, a special edition during the week of the annual assembly of the AUSCP. We will try to provide updates, but in the meantime, following are some items prepared earlier – on the environment, God and guns, Pius XII and Hitler, Vatican II and today’s Catholics, Polynesian agro-forestry and a suggestion from Pope Francis for a year-long marriage catechumenate.”
