Submitted by: Care for Creation Working Group

An Examen is a tool of prayer, reflection and action undertaken as individuals, in the home, parish, school, university or community. Through this examen may we seek God’s glory and the good of all on this planet! Through it may we also seek true conversion of heart to embrace ecological justice, and Pope Francis’ call to care more deeply for our common home.

Begin this Examen by placing yourself (or your group) in a posture that allows for openness to the ways the Spirit works in you. Pause after each of the five steps; and reflect as long as is needed, in each case.

1. Give thanks to God for creation, and for “being wonderfully made” (Ps. 139). Where did I sense God’s presence and power in creation today?

2. I ask for the grace to see creation as God does—in all its splendor and suffering. Do I find beauty in creation and hear the cries of the earth? And of the poor?

3. I ask for the grace to look closely to see how my life choices impact creation –as well as the poor of this earth. How can I turn away from a throwaway culture, and instead stand in solidarity with Creation and the poor?

4. Lent calls us to repentance and an openness to reconciliation. How can I show I have been converted towards ecological justice these days? Can I not ask for the grace to reconcile my relationship with God, creation and humanity, and to stand in solidarity with all through my actions? Can I repair my broken relationships whether they be with the earth or with other persons?

5. I will offer a closing prayer for the earth and the vulnerable ones in our society.

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