AUSCP chooses life, not because of law, but based on God’s love
It is a momentous decision of the U.S. Supreme Court announced [today]. Yet this day is no different than any other day as we honor as always God’s gift of life from conception to natural death.
It is not the law of the land that guides us, it is God’s love.
Whether in the womb or on death row, our choice must be the same: We choose life. At the border, in support of human dignity and racial harmony, or in opposition to nuclear weaponry, our choice must be the same: We choose life. In support of maternal health care, family leave and child care for those who need assistance. We choose life.
The Supreme Court decision demands a response, a call to prayer and to action.
Today we pray in particular for every mother and every child, that they receive the love of family and the support of a welcoming community. And we call for pro-life legislative action to provide health care, family leave and child care for those in need.
We call for an end of nuclear arms, and a return to the Gospel non-violence of Jesus Christ. We pray for strength and urge action to end racism, sexism and clericalism, and return to the Gospel call to love our neighbors as ourselves.
Today we pray for a nation that will respect, welcome and honor immigrants and refugees. Today we pray for all of our children, lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered, that they are welcome to live and worship with us.
Today in particular we pray for the loving embrace of the community for every newborn and every new mom. For those who have had an abortion, we offer the Church’s resources for healing and reconciliation. We promise welcome and support and our ongoing commitment: We choose life.