2021 AUSCP Assembly Plans and New Webinar Series


The AUSCP Leadership Team met in Minneapolis April 6-8 to do strategic planning and to assess the situation for moving forward with an in-person Assembly for June 21-24, 2021. The decision was made to proceed with plans to hold the 2021 Assembly in person.

The retreat with Fr. Michael Joncas on Monday, June 21, will be livestreamed. Those who are not attending the Assembly in person can get the link to this by paying a registration fee of $25. For those attending the Assembly in person, there is no extra charge for the retreat. Registration for the virtual retreat will be available soon.

New AUSCP Webinar Series Begins April 12th

The webinar series on the highlights from the past AUSCP Assemblies begins Monday, April 12th. Fr. Bob Bonnot, AUSCP Executive Director, has reviewed the presentations given at the past AUSCP Assemblies and has developed a webinar on each Assembly. Each webinar includes excerpts from the main  presentations, followed by time for questions and discussion. Fr. Bob says,  Our aim is to give viewers an opportunity to refresh your grasp of our Assembly themes during our first decade — and to reflect on them as we look forward to our second decade of service to God’s Priestly People.

Fr. Kevin Clinton, chair emeritus of the AUSCP Leadership Team, is assisting with this project. The series will run on Mondays, 3-4:30 PM EDT, beginning Monday, April 12th. You can register for the webinars by clicking HERE. 

Read the full April 11, 2021 e-bulletin here.

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